Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Civil Unions v. Marriages

Today in my SOCI 130 class, we were talking about civil unions among homosexuals. Homosexuals are not allowed to get legally married in the majority of the United States. Althougth some states allow homosexuals to be legally unioned, they don't receive the same benefits that marriaged couples receive- such as inheritance, custody of children, and etc.

Should gay people be allowed to marry in order to get benefits? Homosexuals are fighting a civil war with the majority of the country. Should the American people give homosexuals their rights?

Sunday, November 1, 2009

To the Girl with the Black Dress,

1. Yes, I'm an African American...and I got accepted into Carolina because I'm smart!
2. Yes, I know that you are racist and you talk about all races behind their backs.
3. Yes, you should know that your secret is out... and many people know that you are talking about them.
4. Yes, I thought we were friends, but you betrayed me.
5. Yes, money can change people.
6. Yes, I hope you change your ignorant perspective on life.
7. No, I will not stop advocating for equality!


Chavez Adams