Sunday, September 27, 2009

I'm Here for A Reason!

I have heard too many people say that black people got accepted to UNC due to affirmitive action. All I have to say about it is that is not true for ALL African Americans. For those select few that have illustrated that Black people are only here because of a law, YOU ARE IGNORANT!!! I do not know about any other black students here, but i know that I WORKED my BUTT OFF to get her. I graduated at the top of my class - I was number 5 in my class of about 350. I was the only African American male to be ranked in the top 30 of the class - and there were many African American males in my school. I earned numerous awards and honors, including summa cum laude (I am not trying to be pressumptous, I am just stating the facts), and when someone tells me that I got here because of the color of my skin, I become furious. The crazy thing about it is that the majority of the people making the comments are BLACK people! Why would you degrade yourself?!?!? WHY? And then when a white person says something about affirmitive action, those same black people making the ignorant comments try to get mad. NEWS FLASH: you can't when you are making the comments too. Just stop the ignorant remarks or keep them to yourself! All I have to say is that I'm here for a Reason, and I know that you are too!

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Playing Games with God...

There are many people on this campus that play with the power of God. They think it is funny or humorous to act as if they feel the spirit of God. They falsely speak in tongues and they engage in fake worship. They clearly do not understand the power in the things they perpetrate. When one is worshipping God they are engaging in an intimate moment with Him. God is not to played with.
Since the start of this new semester at UNC, I have seen many people play church. They act as if they are living the Christian lifestyle; yet, they are living the life full of sin and Hell! I understand that nobody is perfect, but Christians should strive to be. Stop the foolishness! Just stop it! Christians endure a lot of crap from people all over the world as being fake and hypocritical, and the people that are playing church are NOT making it easier for us.
We are living in our last days and we as a people do not have the time to be playing games with God!

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Racial Competition

Is your race better than mine? That is the question that runs through the minds of many cultures. People have debates about this subject. They compete about past calamitous quandaries that caused their ancestors to become formidable and strong. These people maintain a certain persona that appears presumptuous. Some cultures actually think that their culture is better than another. This type of ignorant ideology leads to numerous ignorant perceptions upon life. They refuse to marry the opposite race, they secretly think they are superior to other races, and they secretly talk badly about other races and their culture. Here at Carolina, we as students are suppose to be a body of people that wants to learn about other people's culture. We should strive to understand people's background. We should not try to compete against each other. We are suppose to be a family. It is time to stop acting as if we are gods! We need to come down to the real world. This isn't Kansas anymore. We have real problems and conflicts, and it would be so much easier if we get OFF our pedestals and help each other through these hard times. There should be no racial competition because we are all mixed with some other race -whether we embrace it or not! We are ALL God''s children: we are all EQUALLY fearfully and wonderfully made by our Creator! Just get over it!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Can We Walk in Peace?

Walking down the sidewalk of Franklin Street, one of my friends was returning to the UNC campus from The Campus Barber. As he walked toward the bus stop, awaiting the U Campus Shuttle, three white boys - wearing Carolina Blue - followed him, and they taunted his name - they called him Nigger. Afraid, he ignored them and continued to walk toward the bus stop. How could this act of racism be present in a school full of diversity. UNC Chapel Hill is suppose to be one of the most diverse campuses in North Carolina; yet, many of the people that attend this school possess ideology of racism. My ancestors didn't die for nothing. They were not whipped and lynched for a pointless cause. Their blood that gushed from their wounds did not drip in vain. I demand JUSTICE. Can we as African Americans not walk in peace?