Sunday, September 27, 2009

I'm Here for A Reason!

I have heard too many people say that black people got accepted to UNC due to affirmitive action. All I have to say about it is that is not true for ALL African Americans. For those select few that have illustrated that Black people are only here because of a law, YOU ARE IGNORANT!!! I do not know about any other black students here, but i know that I WORKED my BUTT OFF to get her. I graduated at the top of my class - I was number 5 in my class of about 350. I was the only African American male to be ranked in the top 30 of the class - and there were many African American males in my school. I earned numerous awards and honors, including summa cum laude (I am not trying to be pressumptous, I am just stating the facts), and when someone tells me that I got here because of the color of my skin, I become furious. The crazy thing about it is that the majority of the people making the comments are BLACK people! Why would you degrade yourself?!?!? WHY? And then when a white person says something about affirmitive action, those same black people making the ignorant comments try to get mad. NEWS FLASH: you can't when you are making the comments too. Just stop the ignorant remarks or keep them to yourself! All I have to say is that I'm here for a Reason, and I know that you are too!


  1. It's funny and sad at the same time what ignorant people can say. This kid at my school said out loud that the reason some people got accepted from my school to UNC was because of their ethnicity, which is not true at all. I knew he was referring to me, but it did not affect me because I know what I did and how much I worked for everything that I achieved.

  2. I agree with you guys. It's breath taking to know that some people believe that the only reason minorities get into prestigious colleges is because of their race. We are all here for a reason, and we all have one thing in common- we are different but in the same way equally gifted.

  3. Kudos to you and your work ethic in high school, I really hope you keep it up :)

    People are going to continue to talk and downgrade each other because society as a whole is on a power struggle, trying to be better and stronger than the next person.

    Another point is that many times, especially on a predominately white campus, black students try to present themselves as "overly black" and bring in various stereotypes to the fore front in a way that overshadows their academic ablity. For example, I see black students skipping class to smoke and drink and many walk around like they never study, but clearly, my friend, you had to have some kind of work ethic in high school to get here, so, straighten up. Now. I just dont understand that.

  4. Thank you for saying this!!

    We sure didn't take AP US History, AP English (for TWO years), AP Calculus & honors classes to be told we only got here because of affirmative action!

    No. It's called hard work.

  5. WHOOOA!!! Chavez! I didn't know that you were the only black male in the top 30!! BEAST!

  6. yeah i completely agree with you. i was ranked number 2 in my class and lost the number 1 rank by .04 points..
    its just sad that people honestly think you can get into unc by color ALONE..
    while some people may have, if they did or not is not anybody's business.
    we've all worked hard to get here and i will be damned if somebody tells me otherwise!

  7. I have heard my friends talk about classmates that got into prestigious universities only because they are part a minority. I think that it has less to do with the fact that they are a minority and more to do with the fact that they moved to a new country, learned a new language, and were still able to gradutate at or near the top of thier class. It is horrible for people to disregard a person's hard work by saying that they got in because of their skin color or nationality.

  8. I think that is sad that people think is way. I was one of the top students in my class as well and had I high GPA, but still some students just thought that I was accepted into the school to fill a quota. I laugh at them because they are ignorant. I am glad that I give people a reason to hate my accomplishments. We did something that they did not do. I hate to say that you have to show these narrow minded people what you are made of. But YOU HAVE TO SHOW THEM BETTER THAN YOU CAN TELL THEM!
